

Evaluating Your Schedule


Evaluating Your Schedule

“If Satan cannot make you sin, he can make you busy.”   This is a quote from the sweetie I know very well.

Every once in a while we need to slow down and evaluate our schedules. Someone may say, “But I work ten- to twelve-hour days, and they’re really taking their toll—so maybe when I’m less busy at work. Then I will. ”

We tend to think everything we are doing is essential. It is good. It is not wrong. It is not sinful. Look again at the time factor. If we do not have time for prayer to God or reading and studying His word or serving others with prayer, visiting, or hospitality, then we need to slim down our schedules either some or a lot.

Having an intimate relationship with Jesus means bringing all our activities under the scrutiny of His Spirit. It means letting Him show us His priorities for each season of our year and our lives.

Take some time today and think through your schedule. Are any current activities keeping you from making prayer, Bible reading, or serving one another a high priority?

It would do us good for our hearts to PRAY the words of Psalm 90:12:  “Teach us to number our days aright that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”