

The Essence of a Mother

The hand given by God to mortal man to soothe, correct, guide, and direct is found upon the beauty of God's final creation:  woman.  In the creation of the world and the grandeur of all things new and good, the crowning blessing of God's love upon the world was to create a velvet tapestry of woman.

Unlike all creation before her, the woman represented a softened frame of God's love and wisdom for all time.  The world was created in perfect order with each part of God's words bringing forth the essence of His own character.  Embodied in the woman God wrapped all creation before with jewels of compassion, beauty, strength, character, and wonderment.

The role of woman in motherhood is the brightness of these jewels magnified many times over and over.  Only through the beauty of the woman would children be brought forth and given unto the world.  The burden was increased of childbirth because of sin, but time and time again the woman glows with the good in creation in the act of birth.

In pain children enter the world and find immediate comfort in the arms of her who carried the child within her womb.  The womb of love ever grows with each passing moment as the child grows.  While released from the confines of the womb, the child is then entombed within the heart of the mother.

The heart of the mother is a heart that fills all the moments of the child's life.  With each word, each movement and each step, her heart grows.  She remembers the soft touch, the needful cry, and the infant smile.  A mother's heart records each moment and each thought to be treasured for life.

The eyes of a mother see more than anyone else.  She sees the eyes fill with wonder and the hands that reach for new worlds.  She beholds the feet as they stagger and sway and begin to take strength.  A mother can see when the child is sick and in need of care.  The eyes of a mother lovingly share the vision of the child.

From tiny hands the child grasps hold of a mothers soft caress.  In the touching a sense of security and warmth is felt and soothes the child's fears.  The child knows the gentle love expressed with the hands of the mother.  With gentle pats, sleep comes with the words of song.

The voice of the mother fills the mind of the child even before birth. Songs echo in the chambers of the spirit, and the child feels the warmth of love.  Laughter brings about joy and in return gives joy to the mother.  No greater pleasure and happiness is felt than when the child hears the voice of their mother - mothers have a special voice.

As the child grows, these moments of time build upon themselves to create a painting of memories.  The essence of motherhood is not confined to those precious moments of infancy because the child who once was solely dependent upon the mothers care, begins to walk with self-confidence and assurance. 

The mind of the child establishes values and judgments and the mother begins to slowly unwind the strings of possession upon them.  Other voices call to the child and beckons them come with a mischief heart.  The mother is torn as the child stumbles and falls.  Helping hands extend to comfort once more and again the child knows the infant comfort of a mother.

From infancy to young adult the child grows and with it the concerns and cares of a mother.  The brow is framed with rows of worry and the heart yearns for the dependence once shared between mother and child.  With continued patience, the mother strives to guide and direct the steps of the young child.

Adulthood blossoms in the eyes of the young child and with unsure flight, releases the bonds of the nest to a world unknown.  The last of creation has done her work and the true essence of motherhood can be seen. The law of the mother is bound upon the heart of the child and tied securely about the neck.  With these words of motherly comfort and guidance of sure hands, the child grown to adulthood spans the horizon with the lamp of a mother’s love and the light of her law.  In the way of life her words reprove, correct and admonish with instruction.

The great work of motherhood is found in the heart of the child.  Implanted in the mind is the wisdom of God.  Secured in the deepest depths of the heart is the love of God.  The tender voice of her guidance fills the ears and the strength of her hand directs the way.

Motherhood is exalted in the life of every child who follows the one who made the woman and brought her to Adam.  From that moment on God would show to all creation is wisdom and power.  Framed within the body of the woman is the power and essence of motherhood.

Motherhood is the dwelling of God in the heart of a woman who seeks to instill in her children all that God has given her.  She is mighty in her work, tender in her care and beautiful in her grace.  Thank you God for giving such a perfect gift as you made – in woman – motherhood.