

24 Years in the First Grade

Statistics show that if public schools met only as often as Sunday Bible classes at church, it would take 24 years to get through the first grade! Many people attend about half that time; thus a span of 48 years in the first grade would be spent.

Solomon says the trouble with knowledge is that it is limited. Yet, we live in a society based on knowledge, and hopefully the element of wisdom. The trouble is that we concentrate so heavily on intellect of secular things that little if any thought is given to Bible knowledge.


Preacher’s point – Would you be content with a 24-year program for children to complete first grade?  Are you content with that length of time for a first grade level of Bible knowledge for yourself?  Sunday morning Bible study should only be one part of your Bible study plan.  Is it even a part at all?  What grade are you really in – and willing to stay in – spiritually?